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9 Tips for Flying with Toddlers and Young Kids

5 Ways to Save Money on Your Family's Next Flight
Category_Travel Tips>Family travel

Flying with children is exciting for all its participants. When preparing, you need to take into account a lot – both the special rules of airlines, and the preferences of the child, and also think over an action plan for all sorts of “emergency” situations that may happen to the baby. In this material, we tried to collect all the necessary information to make life easier for parents during the training camp and during the flight itself.

At what age can a child fly

Airlines listen to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. In the first 48 hours of life, the child is not allowed on board, in the first 7 days – they require a certificate from a doctor. The doctor must confirm in writing that the newborn can fly. Starting from the second week, you can fly freely, but in any case, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Flight selection

Choosing a flight is almost the most important thing in planning a trip with a child. If the flight takes an hour or two, then this issue can be treated lightly, but not if we are talking about three, four, five, or more hours. In case a long flight, for example from the USA to Italy, think carefully, maybe business flights to Rome while traveling with children will be the best solution for you.

Try to plan the flight to adjust to the child’s daytime sleep. Unless necessary, we do not take night flights.

Getting ready for the flight

Collecting baby supplies is a big responsibility for parents. Here the rules of the airlines are on their side. Meals for a child can be taken on board outside the rules for carrying hand luggage, and you can take a stroller for free. Nevertheless, the carriage of the cradle on board is regulated by carriers in different ways, no matter whether you are flying economy, first or business class. Experienced travelers are advised to contact the airline’s support in advance to find out all the details and additional options for a flight with children.

How to make the flight calmer for the child?

Flying is stressful even for many adults, and a child’s reaction can be unpredictable. It is necessary to think in advance about the inconveniences that he may experience.

Takeoff and landing

These are the most difficult periods during the flight. The difference in pressure with height differences can cause nasal congestion or problems with the ears. A small child will more easily endure these moments in the mother’s arms, and he can also be given a bottle of water or milk formula. Older children can be given a lollipop and explain in advance what sensations may arise from blocked ears and why.

During the flight

Often parents worry about how the child will be able to sit quietly for several hours in one place. One of the options is to try to tire him in advance. Play with him on the way to the airport and move more already in the waiting room, then the probability that the baby will be able to fall asleep after takeoff is much higher. If the child does not sleep during the flight, then this will help to occupy his attention and calm his feelings. 5 more tips for travel parents

Children’s infrastructure

In almost any airport you can find a nursery, a room for feeding and changing clothes, and in some even game rooms. Sometimes on flights, flight attendants have drawing kits, blankets, and other things that will make your flight with a child calmer.

Pre-flight conversation

Tell your child about the flight in advance, and describe in detail what he may experience and why. Then he will feel calmer and less afraid. Similarly with the rules of conduct on board. Explain to your child why you can’t shout, kick the front seat and run around the plane. Even if he does not behave in the best way during the flight, your dialogue will
become much more productive after you have told him what to expect from the flight.

Suitable and spare clothing

The child’s clothes should be without seams that can rub or press during the flight. Choose shoes that can be easily removed and put on. Take a replacement set of clothes for the child and the upper part of a set of clothes for yourself just in case.

New toy

Buy a toy for your child in advance or at the airport. The new activity will allow you to keep positive motivation for the flight and will entice him. Avoid loud toys so as not to disturb other passengers on the flight. Games with coloring books and stickers, puzzles will be a great way out.

Flight first aid kit

With dry mucous infections, it is easier to get into the body, so give the child more water and use a solution of seawater for the nose. Grab baby vasoconstrictor drops in case of a runny nose, antihistamines, and antiseptic. An airplane is an unfamiliar environment with a lot of people and you need to be prepared for the body’s reaction to this.

Often flights with children are much calmer than parents expected. However, it is a responsible approach to the fees that allows them to pass without incident. And young passengers from childhood get used to the flight procedures and the atmosphere of airports, broaden their horizons, and fall in love with travel!

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