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Answered: Your Most Indiscreet Questions About Our Latest Trip In Asia

family travel asia 2016
Category_Destinations>Cambodia Category_Destinations>Malaysia Category_Destinations>Sri Lanka Category_Destinations>Thailand Category_Our Travels Category_Travel Itineraries

So, what do you want to know about our latest trip in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka?

If you hate us, you will be happy to know that we got sick, and got money stolen.

If you are just curious, just like me, well read on! You will know exactly all about our trip… in numbers!

Our Itinerary

We left for almost 2 months… well more exactly about 7 weeks, from January to March 2016.

Here’s our itinerary.

Asia itinerary 2016

asia itinerary 2016

The Traveling

We traveled A LOT in our 7 weeks abroad, since we only stayed an average of 2.9 days at the same place! Yes, we traveled with our 3-year old daughter, and she was amazing on this trip (like on all our trips!).

Here’s the recap of all our travel:

13 plane flights (50.000km)
5 train rides (500km)
7 boat rides (90km)
10 taxi car rides (350km)
5 motorcycle rides (300km)
2 bus rides (400km)
30 tuk-tuk rides (600km)
2 golf cart rides (14km)
1 bicycle ride (6km)
1 ATV ride (25km)
4 Safari Jeep rides (100km)
1 surf ride (0,5km)

If you are wondering if we got sick on all those rides, I have to admit that yes, once: Emma-Kate has been sick on 1 taxi car ride after our 29 hours flights from Quebec City to Bangkok. That’s it! So to answer your question better: we don’t suffer from motion sickness!

Our Misadventures

Traveling for that long cannot only be fun and happiness! Here’s the sum of all our misadventures, for the 3 of us!

Baggage lost: 1 (we found it 30 minutes later, still at the airport)
Flight delayed: 1
Motorcycle that broke down: 1
Road accident: 1 (front collision between our ATV and a motorcycle… everyone was fine!)
How many times we vomited: 4
How many times we got food poisoned: 1
How many times we encountered a paperless or soapless bathroom: way too many times
How many nights we were sick: 4
How many days we had light diarrhea: 17
How many days we were lightly dehydrated: 10
How many days we had fever: 2
How many days we were constipated: 30 (yep, it’s me!)
How many countries visited: 4
How many cities/regions/islands we stayed: 13
How many islands we visited: 3
family travel asia 2016

How many sleepless nights: 4
How many different time zones: 3
How many disagreements we had with locals: 3
How many ATM we tried that weren’t working: 15
How many golf courses we played: 3
How many golf caddie we hired: 2
How many sunburns: 8
How many alcohol drinks we had: 11 (the beer wasn’t very good)
How many nights were sponsored for Easy Planet Travel: 9
How many bug bites: 80
How many times locals asked us to take selfies with them: 17
How many toys we bought for Emma-Kate: 22
How many Snapchat Emma-Kate received from her cousin Emmanuelle: 40family travel asia 2016
How many fish we caught: 3
How many pieces of clothing we bought: 9
How many times we change our itinerary while abroad: 3
How many good wifi: 2
How many very bad wifi: way too much
How many different cuisines we tried: 12 (Malay, Thai, Indian, Cambodgian, Sri Lankan, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, etc.)
How many different food Emma-Kate ate (despite our best efforts): 5 (french fries, bread, rice, ice cream and peanut butter)
How many unpleasant people we met during our whole trip: 2
How many friendly people we met during our whole trip: too many to count them
How many times Emma-Kate asked where were Eric and Chantal (our friends): 60
How many times Emma-Kate whispered ‘I Love You‘ in our ears: often
How many times we went to bed after 9PM: 6
How many times Clinton and myself argued: 4
How many times we were scared at night: 1 (in Phnom Penh, and without reason because it was very safe)
How many times we paid too much for a taxi ride: 1
How many pictures and videos we took: 6,667

Emma-Kate sneezing, the Petronas Towers in the background, in Kuala Lumpur

How many times we gave water to monkeys: 2
How many days it rained: 0
How many scattered rains we encountered: 4
How many times we paid to get ALL our clothes washed: 2

The Costs

Now, here are the juicy details, because let’s face it, everyone wants to know how much cost a trip like that!

The thing is, I cannot tell you exactly how much a trip like ours costs, because some parts have been sponsored by hotels and companies. But here’s what I can tell you.

It costs us a total of $3,472 for 13 flights, $1291 for hotel nights, $664 for transport, $517 for activities, $514 for visas, souvenirs, medicine and laundry, and an average of $31 per day to eat.

On top of that, we received close to $4000 of sponsored hotel nights, activities and meals. What does it mean? It means we didn’t have to pay with money for those nights/activities/meals, but I have to write reviews of those services on my website. Because that’s my job now 😉

What’s Missing

What’s missing from all those numbers is that we had an awesome trip! It wasn’t a relaxed vacation (we rarely have those), we came back a little bit tired. But it was a very fun trip! We experienced nature, cultufamily travel asia 2016re, food and people in so many different ways! We learn tons of stuff!

We became closer as a family! Emma-Kate bonded with her father, Clinton, like never before!! We laughed, played and kissed! It was the best trip our family ever had! It brought us closer together! For us, it’s not about the money we spent on this trip, it’s all the memories we can now cherish together forever!!

Please not that prices above are in US$.

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