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10 Hacks for Easy Baby Travel

10 Hacks for Easy Baby Travel
Category_Travel Tips>Family travel

Planning to travel with a baby for the first time can be pretty stressful, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your trip. On the contrary, it makes it an even greater adventure. These simple hacks will help you have an easy and relaxed traveling experience.

Pack Smart

Packing can be annoying on its own but when you have to pack for another little one, it starts to feel like a life-or-death situation. It is smarter to pack the essentials so you should try to pick and choose wisely what you’re bringing. You should consider shopping at your destination for diapers and similar things that are disposable. It’s not going to be light travel but you will know that you have all that you need.

Two (outfits) Are Better Than One

Always bring extra outfits in case of an accident. Opt for one-pieces like overalls and dresses, for yourself and the baby, since they will not take an extra room in your bag and it will be quicker when you need to change. You can put the dirty clothes in a ziplock bag to avoid everyone sensing the smell.

A Baby Carrier Is Your Best Friend

You will be able to get your hands free and go through security without any fuss. Wearing your baby will enable you to have eyes on them at all times while they get to sleep or people-watch. Make sure to get the appropriate carrier depending on your baby’s age. It’s especially a lifesaver if you are planning to walk and explore during your vacation.

Be Extra Early

Traveling with a baby takes more time because you are loaded with all the baby gear. Arriving early ensures that you won’t be missing your flight no matter how long the line is and it will make things go smoother when you are not rushed through the airport and security. You can also use your time to breastfeed or change the diapers before boarding.

Attach Things With Carabiners

It is easy to get distracted when you are overloaded with too many things while looking after a baby at the same time. In these situations, there is a chance that you might get overwhelmed and forget or lose your belongings. The best solution is to attach valuable things ( i.e prized toys, keys, travel wallet ) in your backpack, or even secure your bag to the chair when you are in a restaurant so it can’t get stolen! You can also attach bags with some items that can’t fit in the bag.

Get a Bassinet Seat

You have to request them ahead of time when you book your tickets. Make sure to call in advance to confirm since there are limited bassinets and the younger babies have a priority. The design varies depending on the airplane. Some are mounted on the wall and some go on the floor. On overnight flights, you can put a blanket so the baby doesn’t wake up.

Pack Back-up Toys

Your little one might get fussy during a flight or have a meltdown at any time. Introducing a new toy to your baby might grab their attention and distract them. Little books with illustrations and stuffed animals are great attention-grabbers.

Bring Something To Cover Dirty Areas

When you travel you may need to grab a cab or use public transportation and they are not known for being the cleanest areas. Make sure to take something along like a swaddle blanket (also can be used to cover the baby from bright light and breastfeeding) or disposable underpads to make things easier.

Pick The Right Destination

Take advantage of the fact that they cannot walk yet, and visit places where you will be able to explore without worrying about your kid running around. Places like Italy, London,… are great cities where you can enjoy your time visiting multiple attractions, and at the same time, you will find baby-friendly restaurants and pubs.

Plan the Sleeping Arrangements

When you pick your place of accommodation, see how many rooms there are and figure out how they are separated. You might choose to co-sleep with your baby but if that is not the case, other alternatives would be to have the baby in the same room just divide their area with some sort of blanket. That way you can enjoy some alone time relaxing once the baby is asleep.

For more life-changing hacks to make traveling with your baby easier, check it this post!

Do you have other tips to make traveling with your baby easy? Comment below 🙂

About the author

Vesa Merxha has a passion for traveling, meeting people and animals. She is currently studying English and wants to pursue a career in writing in order to familiarize, inform and educate readers, especially the youth, about diverse topics. She is a content writer for the blog Studying in Switzerland.

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