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The Dos and Don’ts of Travelling with a Medical Condition

The Dos and Don’ts of Travelling with a Medical Condition
Category_Travel Tips>Safety & Health

The Dos and Don’ts of Travelling with a Medical Condition

Travelling abroad with a medical condition doesn’t have to be stressful. While some additional care and attention needs to be put into this type of journey, you’ll find you can without question still have the time of your life.

To make the process a little simpler, let’s run through some dos and don’ts when it comes to travelling abroad with a medical condition.

Do: Arrange vaccinations

Whether you have a condition or not, it’s absolutely crucial you do your background reading and book up your vaccinations. These are critical to ensuring you aren’t going to contract a deadly disease on your travels.

Photo credit: NIAID

Photo credit: NIAID

There is a plethora of viruses out there which still wreak havoc on a daily basis, with just some of the primary culprits including:

  • Ebola
  • Influenza
  • Zika
  • Dengue Fever

As alarming as they sound, most of these conditions are easily treated with a simple vaccine. Book yours well ahead of time to ensure you’ll be ready when you head overseas.

Don’t: Hide your condition from insurers

When you travel with a medical condition, you’ll need to be completely transparent about what it is you have and how it might impact you throughout the course of your adventure.

If you fail to do so, a lot of insurance companies are likely to deny you your compensation if the worst does happen overseas. This is because of the principle of uberimae fidei (ultimate faith) they work with. If you’re found to have lied, you’re in breach of this sacred trust.

Do: Check what medication you can take through customs

Everyone hates this part of travelling. What you can and can’t bring through the customs desk with you is always a hard one to wrap your head around – but when you factor medication into the mix, it becomes even more of a conundrum.

Photo credit: Gatis Gribusts

Some top tips for getting through customs without much fuss include:

  • Leaving all medication in its original packaging
  • Preparing yourself to answer questions at customs
  • Calling the airline ahead of time to ask any questions you have
  • Read up on the laws of the country you’re travelling to

If you plan ahead in this regard, you should be able to get through customs without much of a fuss at all.

Don’t: Overexert yourself

If you’ve got a condition, the last thing you’ll want to be doing is going crazy and straining yourself. Prevent this by only electing to head off on an adventure which is relaxing. Whether it’s basking in the summer sun, or taking a leisurely stroll along the beach, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation without too much stress.

Do: Be outgoing

At the same time, it’s important to remember not to hide yourself away from the world. Just because you’re not feeling your best doesn’t mean you have to isolate yourself from the fun.

Go out and forge memories which will last forever. You’ll regret it massively if you let your condition get the better of you.

Thinking about heading abroad with a medical condition this summer? Keep these top tips in mind and you’ll find your trip will be significantly better.

Author Bio

Ivy Oliver used to go with her brothers on camping and fishing tours during weekends. This started her passion for weekend travels. She’s currently finishing her masters degree in Forestry and Environmental studies and works as a part-time freelance writer for a few pro-environment and travel blogs. She’s been to a few European and Asian countries, though she’s planning to tour around North America once she’s done with her studies.

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