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How to find hidden airfare deals

Category_Travel Tips>Air travel Category_Travel Tips>Money and insurance

Hi guys! Today I want to talk to you about a website that I’ve found to find hidden city fares.

For example, if you want to fly from New York to San Francisco, maybe the ticket is gonna cost 300$.

But if you fly… like you find a ticket from New York to Seattle with a stopover at San Francisco, or a layover, at 200$.

Then it cost you less money, you just get out at the layover city, and you can save a lot of money that way.

So the website to find those deals:

So thank you very much again!

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because next week I’m gonna tell you how to pack your jewelry so your necklaces don’t get all tangled, and you don’t lose your earrings and rings and everything. Thank you again! Have a nice week! Bye!

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